Unisciti alla nostra community - Beyond marketing

Gadgets are a component of corporate marketing to be remembered.
In the new catalog of personalized gadgets we have collected thousands of interesting and stimulating gift ideas: a combination of functional and fun best sellers, innovative and classic for successful promotional campaigns.
A cheerful mix of practical and everyday objects to make your brand stand out.
All gadgets are customizable with a quality printing service. In addition to the 5000 items in our catalog, we can make other types of products on request.
Zero Pixel 2020 personalized gadgets catalog “More than Gifts”
- over 5.000 articles
- 432 pages
- 12 categories
- Technology & accessories
- Eating & drinking
- Bags & travel
- Umbrellas & rain garment
- Sports & recreation
- Kids & games
- Writing and accessories
- Office & desk accessories
- Premiums & tools
- Wellness & care
- Apparel & accessories
- Textile collection
Download the pdf version of the gadget catalog HERE
ASK A COPY OF THE CATALOGUE: info@zeropixel.it